Tuesday 17 February 2015

So, where to start?

Welcome to my new home. I hope you like the view. 
My previous blog was much more foodcentric and in order for me to branch out a bit I figured why not a fresh page and a clean start.
I would usually undertake my new starts at new year. However, I think that Pancake Day/ Shrove Tuesday works just as well, if not more fittingly for a food blogger, particularly as I have already failed at my New Years resolutions.
With all the soon to be failed promises of chocolate absinance coming up over the next 40 days, I thought I might join in but instead of giving up chocolate/crisps/etc (which I believe may be an impossibility for me) I am going to commit to this new blog.
My hope for this little internet home of mine is that it will be a bit more of me than my last house. Not to worry as I'm sure it will still hold my personal recipe collection but hopefully I will be able to look at a few other bits and bobs along the way. I can't say for certain what those will be yet but hopefully we'll both have a bit of fun finding out.
So here goes nothing...

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